Was such a pleasure to bump into the Soap Girls, this week. They were naturally very excited to show me their new CD, Xperience which is now available in all Musica stores.
Most of us from Hout Bay remember the Soap Girls from the years they spent selling soap at the harbour. I got to know them quite well and have always enjoyed their enthusiasm and dedication. I vividly recall them telling me, probably at the age of 12 and 13, that one day they would become popstars.
Even though they were at the Hout Bay harbour selling their wares to tourists every day, come rain or shine, they still managed exemplary school careers. A large portion of their sales went to charity, including the Red Cross Children's hospital.
Fast-forward eight years later and the girls Camille and Noemie have been signed by Universal and have a hit CD that is performing well on the charts.
The sound is sassy and fun- pure pop. Their first single "Sour" is on Now 59, and available locally at the local CNA. My advice is to pop into the nearest Musica for the full CD- Xperience.
The girls have their critics, but also have a growing fan base- particularly from the teenage market.
Whatever the "haters" have to say- I see two young ladies with a talent for survival and chasing their dreams. How many 18/19 year olds have achieved so much?
Hout Bay salutes you Mie and Mille- never stop chasing your dreams!
Visit their website www.soapgirls.co.za